Thursday 21 February 2013

Indigenous Winter School 2013

Indigenous Winter School 2013
Applications close Friday 12 April 20123

The UNSW Winter School is a fully supervised, week‐long residential program designed to provide Indigenous students in years 10, 11 and 12 with an opportunity to experience university life. The program is coordinated by Nura Gili and is sponsored by UBS who generously cover the costs for all participants.  
During Winter School, 150 students are introduced to tertiary studies in an area of their choice whilst also participating in university life with fellow Indigenous students from around the country. The Winter School aims to assist students in identifying their paths of interest, in turn clarifying the subject areas required for further study in that field. The one‐week program will combine expertise from the faculty, university and industry for an all-round comprehensive and unique experience. The program also aims to nurture the leadership, growth and development of all participants with a comprehensive, fun and engaging program of activities.
Subject areas offered for the 2013 camp are: Built Environment (including Architecture, Construction), Business, Education, Engineering, Indigenous Studies, Law, Medicine, Performing Arts, Science, Social Work and Visual Arts.
Who can apply?
Any Australian Indigenous student who is in year 10, 11 or 12 and who is aspiring to attend University is eligible to apply for Winter School.
The program runs at no cost to the student. Nura Gili arranges all travel for students outside the
Greater Sydney area and accommodation is in colleges on campus for the duration of the program.
Dates and locationThe 2013 Winter School will be held from
Sunday 7th July to Saturday 13th July 2013 inclusive. The program is held on the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Kensington Campus in Sydney and is coordinated by Nura Gili, the University’s Indigenous Programs Centre.

What’s involved?The program runs for seven days and six nights and involves an extensive timetable which includes three full faculty days in the specific subject area, as well as academic sessions, cultural activities, excursions and night activities. All students who attend Winter School are expected to fully participate in all activities set down in the program. This will involve group presentations, team activities and possibly public speaking.  The days are completely full and as such, students are expected to be up at 6.30am and back in their rooms with lights out, at 10pm each day. Students over the age of 18 must comply with the rules set down for all other students who are not yet 18. Whilst Nura Gili acknowledges the legal age of such students, for the purpose of the program, there can only be one set of rules for everyone, as Nura Gili staff must maintain a consistent duty of care to each individual attending.

Who else is involved in the application?
Apart from the student section and the parent/guardian consent, the section on page 9 of the application must be completed by your School Principal. This is to ensure that your principal is not only aware of your application, but also that he or she is fully supportive of it.

How to apply
1. Discuss your application with school and parents first.

2. Print and complete the application form included in this document and sign the declaration on page 7.

3. Ensure your parent or guardian signs the declaration on page 8.

4. Return the document to your School Principal and ask him/her to complete page 9.

5. Have the person who helped with your application complete the school section on page 8.

6. Include a copy of your latest school report.

7. Ask your School to return the completed application, preferably by email, to Nura Gili. (Contact details are on the last page of this document.)

When to apply
For Winter School 2013, applications open in February and close on Friday the 12th of April.

Application progress All students will be notified of the result of their application by Friday 31st May.
 Questions or enquiries? Please contact Nura Gili on (02) 9385 1559 or email

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